South Pacific Albacore Roadmap Intersessional Working Group

Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
More Information

SP Albacore Roadmap WG Virtual Meeting will start at 09:00 AM to 13:00 PM (Pohnpei Time)

List of corresponding times at various world locations -

Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SPA-RM-IWG04/WP-01 Further analysis to inform discussion on South Pacific albacore objectives and a potential iTRP
SPA-RM-IWG04/WP-03 Proposal for a Revised Target Reference Point for South Pacific Albacore
South Pacific Group (SPG) and Australia
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
Agenda Item 2 (SPA-RM-IWG04-WP-01) Agenda Item 2 - SPA Management objectives and TRP
Graham Pilling
Agenda Item 2 (SPA-RM-IWG04-WP-03) A Revised Target Reference Point for South Pacific Albacore
South Pacific Group and Australia
Agenda Item 3 South Pacific Albacore MSE progress and work plan
Robert Scott

* Secure documents are not included in the zip file

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