4th Meeting of the Intersessional Working Group on the Regional Observer Programme

Novotel Hotel, Nadi, Fiji
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-2015-IWGROP4 Summary Report of IWG-ROP4
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-2015-IWGROP4-01 Meeting Notice and Provisional Agenda
WCPFC-2015-IWGROP4-02_rev3 IWG-ROP4 Provisional Agenda and Indicative Schedule - revision 3
WCPFC-2015-IWGROP4-03 Background on Regional Observer Programme and IWG-ROP
WCPFC-2015-IWGROP4-04 Defining the responsibilities of providers and flag states - supporting paper
WCPFC-2015-IWGROP4-05 Suggested Mechanisms to Prevent and Deter Alcohol Related Misconduct of Observers
WCPFC-2015-IWGROP4-06 Regional Observer Programme Identification Card
WCPFC-2015-IWGROP4-07 Notification of Intention(s) for Fish Carriers entering the WCPFC Convention Area
WCPFC-2015-IWGROP4-08 Longline observer coverage matters
WCPFC-2015-IWGROP4-09 An option for observer programme reporting consistent with CMM 2007-01 Attachment B Annex C Paragraph 1(c)
WCPFC-2015-IWGROP4-10 CMM 20017-01 paragraph 9 and sourcing of observers - supporting paper
WCPFC-2015-IWGROP4-11 Hybrid Model for the Regional Observer Programme
WCPFC-2015-IWGROP4-12 Review of definitions in the ROP

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