3rd Regular Session

Tokyo, Japan
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-NC3-01 Notice of Meeting and Meeting Arragements
WCPFC-NC3-02 Registration Form
WCPFC-NC3-03 Provisional Agenda
WCPFC-NC3-04 Provisional Annotated Agenda
WCPFC-NC3-05 Japans' proposal - Secretariat Services
WCPFC-NC3-05 Contribution for Members of the Northern Committee
WCPFC-NC3-06 Proposed review of science structure
WCPFC-NC3-07 Cooperation with other organisations
WCPFC-NC3-08 Striped marlin catch reduction
WCPFC-NC3-09 SC3 Brief
WCPFC-NC3-10 Seabirds
WCPFC-NC3-11 Japan - Comments on Rules of Procedures
WCPFC-NC3-Info.1 Provisional Schedule
WCPFC-NC3-Info.2 NPacific BET and YFT hooking patterns
WCPFC-NC3-Info.3 Japan - Tori-lines

* Secure documents are not included in the zip file

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