Second informal intersessional meeting for the review of CMM 2018-03 Seabirds

Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
More Information

The second of two virtual meetings scheduled for Tuesday 7 May 2024. 

The meeting will start at 12:00pm NZST (UTC+12)

List of corresponding times at various world locations -

Online registration is not applicable for this meeting.

If you would like to participate in the review, please contact: Johannes Fisher -;  Mandy Leathers; Hilary Ayrton 

Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated Sort descending
CMM-2018-03-review2-PPT-01 WCPFC CMM 2018-03 review2 presentation 1 - Opening and Background
CMM-2018-03-review2-PPT-02 WCPFC CMM 2018-03 review2 presentation 2 - Overview of first meeting
CMM-2018-03-review2-PPT-03 WCPFC CMM 2018-03 review2 presentation 3 - Seabird distribution, trends, and underlying drivers
CMM-2018-03-review2-PPT-05 WCPFC CMM 2018-03 review2 presentation 5 - Seabird bycatch mitigation experiments in the Hawaiian deep-set fishery
CMM-2018-03-review2-PPT-06 WCPFC CMM 2018-03 review2 presentation 6 - Combining mitigation methods
CMM-2018-03-review2-PPT-07 WCPFC CMM 2018-03 review2 presentation 7 - Implementation of S Hemisphere mitigation options - a NZ perspective
CMM-2018-03-review2-PPT-08 WCPFC CMM 2018-03 review2 presentation 8 - Implementation of N Hemisphere mitigation options - a US perspective
CMM-2018-03-review2-PPT-09 WCPFC CMM 2018-03 review2 presentation 9 - Implementation of S Hemisphere mitigation options - an AUS perspective
CMM-2018-03-review2-PPT-11 WCPFC CMM 2018-03 review2 presentation 11 - Further work to be submitted
CMM-2018-03-review2-PPT-12 WCPFC CMM 2018-03 review2 presentation 12 - Inspection of Seabird Mitigation Measures

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