20th Regular Session of the Scientific Committee

Agenda Item 6.1.2 Research proposal


SC20 will consider any further proposed research on climate change issues.

SC20 will provide input to the Commission's DRAFT Climate Change Workplan[1]

SC20 will also review a DRAFT WCPFC Climate Change Workplan and a preliminary assessment of selected CMMs for their vulnerability to climate change impacts and consider the need for further work. SC20 will also consider additional climate change-related tasks[2] and cooperation with other RFMOs on activities related to climate change (see paragraph 223, WCPFC20 Summary Record), and provide  feedback to inform future work.

[1] Intersessional work is led by co-Chairs from the US and RMI.

[2] i. how to capture potential effects of climate change on WCPFC fisheries and fish stocks; ii. mechanisms to test the robustness of existing and candidate management procedures under plausible climate change scenarios within the MSE framework.