20th Regular Session of the Scientific Committee

Agenda Item Target reference points


SC20 will note that WCPFC20 agreed on an interim TRP for SP albacore as 0.96SB2017- 2019/SBF=0. This TRP will be reviewed at WCPFC21 following the 2024 stock assessment and further development of candidate management procedures. SC20 will provide advice to the Commission on the review of the interim TRP.

SC20 will review the results of the following task (see paragraph 242, WCPFC20 Summary Record) and provide advice to the Commission:

242.      The Commission tasked the SSP to undertake:

  • evaluation of a range of alternative candidate South Pacific albacore target reference points between SB/SBF=0 0.42-0.56 (long-term average SB/SBF=0 (WCPF-CA), or preferably equivalent levels defined in terms of reference period) that will be considered in the context of the review of the adopted iTRP.