First Joint IATTC-NC Intersessional Working Group Meeting on PBF Management: Full Annotated Agenda
1. Opening of the meeting
2. Adoption of Agenda and Meeting Procedures
3. Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE)
3.1 Introduction to Management Strategy Evaluation
Experts will present background on the use of MSE to support management decisions, including best practices and examples from other fisheries.
3.2 History of Pacific bluefin tuna MSE
The Co-Chairs will present the history of the PBF MSE, including candidate management objectives, reference points and harvest control rules/ management procedures. The Co-Chairs will outline steps needed for completion in 2025.
3.3 Development of Pacific bluefin tuna MSE
The ISC will explain the development of the MSE to date, including the framework, operating models (OMs), including the reference set and robustness sets and estimation model.
3.1 Introduction to Management Strategy Evaluation
4. Preliminary PBF MSE results
4.1 Scope of preliminary MSE results
The ISC will describe the scope of the preliminary results, including model runs considered to date.
4.2 Review results
The ISC will share preliminary results in several formats and provide initial observations.
4.1 Scope of preliminary MSE results
5. JWG guidance and requests for ISC on the PBF MSE
JWG members will discuss key issues and tradeoffs related to the preliminary MSE results. The JWG will consider any guidance and requests to the ISC to advance the MSE as appropriate.
6. Other business
7. Adoption of Report
8. Close of Meeting