First Joint IATTC-NC Intersessional Working Group Meeting on PBF Management

Agenda Item 3.3 Development of Pacific bluefin tuna MSE


The ISC will explain the development of the MSE to date, including the framework, operating models (OMs), including the reference set and robustness sets and estimation model.

Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
A3.3.1 History of PBF stock assessment and MSE development
Shuya Nakatsuka (PBFWG Chair)

A3.3.2 Uncertainty in Pacific Bluefin Tuna Management Strategy Evaluation
Huihua Lee and Desiree Tommasi (PBFWG)
A3.3.3 Pacific Bluefin Tuna Management Strategy Evaluation
Desiree Tommasi (PBFWG)