Development of New WCPFC Tropical Tuna Measure Workshop 1

Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
Submissions Due:
More Information

Meeting Registration

A  completed  and  approved  meeting  registration,  with  valid contact email address, was necessary for participants to participate in the TTMW1 meeting.  Following the approval of a participant’s registration an invitation email with a link to the Zoom meeting will be sent to the participant’s registered email address. 

Copies of submissions and drafts are posted in the "drafts folder" which is accessible to approved and registered TTMW1 participants.  Copies of presentations from Day 1 and Day 2, are also posted in the "presentions folder" also accessible to approved and registered TTMW1 participants.

Guidance to online meeting arrangements is provided in our new online support platform, and a copy of the Meeting Protocols is posted under "Meeting Arrangements".


The workshop schedule, in Pohnpei time (UTC-11), was as follows:

Day 1: Monday 26 April 10:00 - 14:00h

Day 2: Tuesday 27 April 10:00 - 14:00h

Rest day: Wednesday 28 April

Day 3: Thursday 29 April 10:00 - 14:00h

Day 4: Friday 30 April 16:00 - 20:00h


Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-TTMW1-2021-Chair's Report Chair's Report of TTMW1 - revision 1
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
Circ 2021-14 Arrangements for April 2021 Workshop on the new Tropical Tuna CMM
WCPFC-TTMW1-2021-agenda Workshop 1 Agenda
WCPFC-TTMW1-2021-doclist Provisional Document List - 22 April 2021
WCPFC-TTMW1-2021-participants Rev 1 Meeting Attendees
WCPFC-TTMW1-2021-protocols Virtual Meeting Protocols
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-TTMW1-2021-DP01 Management objectives and acceptable levels of exploitation for the tropical tuna stocks - discussion paper
United States of America
WCPFC-TTMW1-2021-DP02 FFA submission to the 1st WCPFC workshop on the Tropical Tuna Measure
FFA Members
WCPFC-TTMW1-2021-DP03 Japan’s proposal to the first Workshop on the New Tropical Tuna Measure
WCPFC-TTMW1-2021-DP04 PNA Submission to the 1st WCPFC workshop on the Tropical Tuna Measure
Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) + Tokelau
WCPFC-TTMW1-2021-DP05 Discussion paper on management objectives for the new tropical tunas conservation and management measure
European Union
WCPFC-TTMW1-2021-DP06 Republic of Korea’s Views on the Tropical Tuna Measure (TTMW1)
Republic of Korea
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-TTMW1-2021-IP01 Summary of the reports received under tropical tuna CMMs from 2018 to 2020
WCPFC-TTMW1-2021-IP02 Catch and effort tables on Tropical Tuna CMMs
Secretariat and SPC-OFP
WCPFC-TTMW1-2021-IP03 Indicative Work Plan for the adoption of Harvest Strategies under CMM 2014-06
WCPFC17 Summary Report Attachment H
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-TTMW1-2021-OP01 Statement to TTMW1
The PEW Charitable Trusts

* Secure documents are not included in the zip file

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