2nd Intersessional Working Group - Regional Observer Progamme

Nadi, Fiji
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC/IWG-ROP2/2008-IP01 Draft Strategic Plan for the ROP
WCPFC/IWG-ROP2/2008-IP02 Draft Programme Document for the ROP
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC/IWG-ROP2/2008-01 Notice of meeting and Meeting arrangements
WCPFC/IWG-ROP2/2008-02 Draft Preliminary Agenda
WCPFC/IWG-ROP2/2008-03 Draft Indicative Meeting Schedule
WCPFC/IWG-ROP2/2008-04 (rev1) Draft Annotated Agenda (Revision 1)
WCPFC/IWG-ROP2/2008-05 CMM for the ROP ( CMM 2007-01 )
WCPFC/IWG-ROP2/2008-06 Integration with Current National and Sub Regional Observer Programmes
WCPFC/IWG-ROP2/2008-07 (rev1) Definitions (Revision 1)
WCPFC/IWG-ROP2/2008-08 On Board fisheries Observers Legal Liability and Insurance
WCPFC/IWG-ROP2/2008-09 Code of Conduct for Observers
WCPFC/IWG-ROP2/2008-10 Determining Onboard Safety for Observers
WCPFC/IWG-ROP2/2008-11 Proposed ROP Data Fields
WCPFC/IWG-ROP2/2008-12 ROP Questionnaire
WCPFC/IWG-ROP2/2008-13 Overview of Discussion on the ROP at 2007 Commission Meetings
WCPFC/IWG-ROP2/2008-14 Review of Conservation and Management Measure for the ROP: CMM-2007-01
WCPFC/IWG-ROP2/2008-15 Cost Considerations for the Deployment of Observers
WCPFC/IWG-ROP2/2008-16 Candidate elements of the ROP with a focus on MCS

* Secure documents are not included in the zip file

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