20th Regular Session of the Scientific Committee

Agenda Item 6.2.2 Updates on FAD Management Options IWG


WCPFC20 tasked the FADMO-IWG with considering i) ways to implement FAD recovery programs and ii) developing a FAD logbook for vessel operators (see paragraphs 384-385, WCPFC20 Summary Record): 

384.   The Commission further tasks the FADMO-IWG to consider ways to implement FAD recovery programs/strategies, including economic aspects and standards required for programs to be effective, to be a standing agenda item for the FADMO-IWG in 2024. 

385.   In the development of 2024-2026 FADMO-IWG Workplan, the FADMO-IWG shall incorporate the following: 

  1. Provide advice to WCPFC23 on the implementation of stepwise introduction of bio-degradable dFADs; 

  2. Provide advice to WCPFC23 on the effectiveness of the limit on the number of dFADs deployed as set in paragraph [21] of the CMM 2023-01 and; 

  3. To develop a FAD logbook for vessel operators and to review the IWG workplan accordingly to action recent developments.

SC20 will review the progress of the FADMO-IWG work and provide feedback to facilitate the IWG's progress.