7th Regular Session of the Technical and Compliance Committee

Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-DP-01 Whale Sharks and Cetaceans
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-DP-02 Republic of the Marshall Islands Proposal for Chartering States Data Access
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-DP-03 EU Comments on RMI Charter Data Access Proposal
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-DP-04 Chinese Taipei Comments on RMI Chartering States Data Access Proposal
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-DP-05 European Union Explanatory Notes and Proposed Conservation and Management Measure for a Catch Document Scheme
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-DP-06 European Union Explanatory Notes and Proposed Conservation and Management Measure on Port State Measures
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-DP-07 FFA Members Proposal for Enhanced Conservation and Management Measures on Tropical Tunas
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-DP-08 Australia - Compliance Monitoring Scheme - Responses to Non-Compliance
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-DP-09 Standards, Specifications and Procedures for the WCPFC Record of Authorised Fishing Vessels
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-DP-10 New Zealand Transshipment Exemption
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-DP-11 European Union on New CMM on Tropical Tunas
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-DP-12 Australia Comments on VMS Template Version 3
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-DP-13 (Rev 1) Catch Documentation Scheme - Papua New Guinea (Rev 1)
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-DP-13B Rev 1 WCPFC CDS Working Group - Terms of Reference Rev 1
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-DP-14 VMS Template Comments - Chinese Taipei
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-DP-15 France Proposed CMM on EEZ Entry and Exit Notification Scheme
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-DP-16 Rev 1 Tonga Paper Regarding WCPFC IUU Listing Process Rev. 1
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-DP-17 Japan's Comments on Circular 2011-24
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-DP-18 VMS Template by USA
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-DP-19 Rev 2 (Final) USA Proposal To Modify VMS SSPs Related to Manual Reporting Rev_2(Final)
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-DP-20 Rev_2 Ecuador Statement re CNM Applications (Amended) Rev. 2
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-IP-01 Draft Compliance Monitoring Scheme Report for 2010
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-IP-02 Key Issues Arising from WCPFC7
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-IP-03 Rev 1 Charter Notifications for 2011 Rev 1
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-IP-04 Secretariat Paper on CMM 2008-01
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-IP-05 Panama Request for Removal of SENTA form WCPFC IUU Vessel List (Non-Public Domain webpage)
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-IP-06 Cook Islands Letter Regarding FV Leah Dawn and EHSP SMA
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-IP-07 Japan Draft Guidelines for the Release of Whale Sharks from Purse Seine Nets
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-IP-08 SPC_Individual Impact of the CMM Compounents Requested by Japan
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-IP-09 Senta Documents to Remove Senta from WCPFC IUU Vessel List
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-IP-10(REVISED) Revised CMM 2007-02 VMS by USA
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-IP-11 WCPFC-TCC7-2011-17a - Attachment 1 (Revision as of 3rd October 2011)
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-IP-12 Updated Purse Seine Catch Estimates Related with CMM 2008-01
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-IP-13 Average Monthly Bigeye Catch-Requested by Korea
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-00 Rev 2 Draft Notice of Meeting and Meeting Arrangements Rev 2
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-03 Rev 14 Provisional Agenda and References Rev 14
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-04 Rev 14 Provisional Annotated Agenda and References Rev 14
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-05 Rev 3 Draft Indicative Schedule Rev 3
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-06 Rev 11 Provisional List of Documents Rev 11
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-07 Rev 1 Provisional Agenda for Heads of Delegations Rev 2
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-OB-01 PEW Environment Group Review of FAD Management Plans
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-OB-02 Greenpeace Brief
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-OB-03 Ocean Friends Against Driftnets
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-OB-04 OFAD - Report on WCPFC Northern Committee's 7th Regular Session (NC7)
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-OB-05 WWF Position Paper
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-01 Discussion of a Possible Way Forward in the Development of a Conservation and Management Measure for Bigeye, Yellowfin and Skipjack Tunas in the WCPFC Convention Area
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-08 Rev 2 SC7 and NC7 Issues for TCC7 Rev 2
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-09 Rev 1 Cost Optimization of Commission Operations Rev 1
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-10 WCPFC/FFA Joint VMS Review (Non-Public Domain webpage)
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-11 Vessel Monitoring System Annual Report
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-13 Rev 1 Current WCPFC IUU Vessel List Rev 1
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-14 Rev 2 3rd Annual Report Regional Observer Programme Rev 2
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-15 Rev 1 Dealing with Vessel and Observer Complaints to Enhance Efficiency of ROP Rev 1
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-16 Regional Observer Programme Data Entry Costs
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-17 Compliance Monitoring Report Introduction (Note: WCPFC-TCC7-2011-17-CMR-00 Rev 1 Full Draft CMR is on the non-public domain webpage)
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-17a Rev 3 CCMs Implementation Compliance of CMMs Rev 3
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-17a Rev 3 Revised Attachment 1 dated 3 Oct 2011 Update of Attachment 1 CCMs implementation Compliance of CMMs Rev 3
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-18 Rev 5 Summary Annual Report Part 2 Rev 5
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-19 Streamlined Annual Report Part 2
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-20 Rev 1 Eastern High Seas Pocket Special Management Area Report Rev 1
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-21 Report for Data Requests for Non-Public Domain Data
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-22 Rev 1 Review of the CMMs Supporting the WCPFC RFV, VMS and the Regional Observer Program Rev 1
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-23 Catch Attribution Report
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-24 Annual Report Record of Fishing Vessels
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-25 KOBE III Recommendations
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-26 By Catch Workshop
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-27 Cooperation with Other Organizations
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-29 Rev 2 Draft TCC Work Programm 2012-2014 Rev 2
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-30 Implementation of TCC Work Plan for 2011
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-31 Projections based on the 2011 stock assessments
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-31a Projections - recent av recruitment
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-31b Projections - SRR Recruitment
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-32 Rev 2 Draft Terms of Reference for ROP Technical Advisory Group(Rev.2)
WCPFC-TCC7-2011-33 Small Working Group Report on VMS Review

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