20th Regular Session of the Technical and Compliance Committee

Agenda Item 6.5 Future work to enhance the CMS


The Commission has through the various CMS CMM’s committed to a multi-year workplan of tasks to enhance the CMS, with the aim of making it more efficient and effective by streamlining processes, including through the development of guidelines and operating procedures.  Paragraph 48 of CMM 2023-04 identifies a non-exhaustive list, which includes:

(i) explore investment in technology solutions to facilitate improvements to the CCFS.

(ii) the development of corrective actions to encourage and incentivise CCMs’ compliance with the Commission’s obligations, where non-compliance is identified.

(iii) the development of the guidelines for participation of observers in closed meetings of the Commission and its subsidiary bodies which consider the Compliance Monitoring Report.

At WCPFC20, the Commission has agreed to postpone the work on the development of corrective actions until sometime in the future (WCPFC20 Summary report paragraph 760). In accordance with paragraph 48 of CMM 2023-04 TCC20 will provide advice and recommendations related to workplan and resourcing requirements to facilitate the work of the Secretariat in support of future work to enhance the CMS.