20th Regular Session of the Technical and Compliance Committee

Agenda Item 6.2 Addressing the imbalance in the CCFS


The scheme in paragraph 15 of CMM 2023-04 is intended to address the imbalance in observer coverage between the longline and purse seine fisheries in the compliance case file system (CCFS).  In support of the approach, the Secretariat is tasked in subparagraph (b) to develop and utilize, in consultation with the Scientific Services Provider (SSP), a scheme for randomly sampling observer-related cases from the online compliance case file system for the purse seine fishery on a trip basis designed to achieve the level of coverage in the CMR for ROP purse seine trips determined for the longline fishery by the SSP for the most recent year for which this data is available. 

The Secretariat will provide an update on this task, and TCC20 is invited to discuss and as appropriate, provide advice and recommendations in support of the future use of this scheme in the CMS.