20th Regular Session of the Technical and Compliance Committee

Agenda Item 8.6 Review alternative measures to shark finning prohibition (CMM 2022-04)


The Commission directed CCMs who utilize alternative measures to the prohibition on finning in paragraph 7 of CMM 2022-04, to provide detailed information on the implementation and monitoring of those alternative measures in advance of TCC20, as directed in paragraph 11 of CMM 2022-04. The Commission also encourages CCMs to report to TCC20 any enforcement difficulties that they encountered in the case of the alternative measures and how they have addressed risks such as monitoring at sea, species substitution, etc. The Commission tasks the Secretariat to compile information with regards to the application of the provisions in paragraphs 8 and 9 of CMM 2022-04. The information provided shall be used by TCC20 and WCPFC21 to review the implementation of alternative measures (WCPFC20 Summary Report, paragraph 713).