20th Regular Session of the Scientific Committee

Agenda Item 11.1 Future operation of the Scientific Committee


SC20 will consider proposals, if any, for the efficient operation of the Scientific Committee, including streamlining the agenda, rapporteuring, process of theme sessions, and other related aspects. 

The Commission at WCPFC20 requested that the Secretariat, SC Chair, SC Vice-Chair, SC Convenors, TCC Chair, and TCC Vice-Chair further explore and consider options discussed at SC19 and TCC19 relating to addressing time challenges in the SC review of WCPFC stock assessment inputs[1]and report the intersessional discussions to WCPFC21 for its consideration. SC20 will review the progress of the intersessional discussions and provide advice to the Commission as needed.

[1] SC19-SA-WP-14 (Options to address time challenges in the SC review of WCPFC stock assessment inputs